- Published:
- Updated: March 14, 2024
- Category: Pet Names and Types
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If you get a pet then it is obvious that you must give him or her a cute name by which everyone can call him or her. The boy hamster names are different and girl hamster names are different.
The Internet has huge content regarding the names of the hamsters. There is always a choice between a cute name, a funny name, or a unique name. So, it is up to you to decide what kind of name you want to give to your hamster.
If you bought a new hamster then this list is very helpful for you. We have listed many cute, funny, and unique names for your hamster. Let us start then. As we are focused on boy hamster names, there must be some uniqueness in it. Boy hamster names are quite punny or ironic.
If your pet is small, you might name him something ironic. Else, simply name them according to their appearance. For example, if your hamster has long hair then you can name him Bon Jovi.
You Can Choose Any One Of The Following Names For Your Hamster:
A, B, C, D
- Abrico
- Acey
- Ace
- Addison
- Adonis
- Adoc Peregrin (Adoc)
- Agamemnon
- Alexander
- Adrasta
- Alexi
- Alfie
- Aggy
- Alfonzo (Alfie for short)
- Algonquin Neapolitan Hamy the 8th
- Anxious
- Archie
- Arlo
- Argola
- Axe
- Arrow
- Arnold
- Ali Baba Alfy
- Arnie
- Archer
- Amos Bartholomew
- Ash
- Bandit
- Bane
- Bazal
- Beefcakes
- Baxter
- BaoBei
- Bear
- Bashful
- Barney
- Beastie
- Barley
- Beeker
- Benson
- Bernard
- Billy Bob
- Billabong
- Bigon
- Bibbles
- Billy
- Blitz
- Bobby Boucher
- Biscuit
- Blue
- Boots
- Boo Berry
- Boo Bear
- Bond
- Borges
- Brown
- Bram
- Brown Sugar
- Brendan
- Brick
- Boss
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Bruno
- Buddha
- Bubbles
- Brownie
- Buckwheat
- Buckskin
- Buster
- Butterscotch
- Budweiser
- Butter
- Buddy
- Bunny
- Buzz
- C. C. Bear
- Chalk
- Chadwick
- Cappu (Short for Cappucino)
- Caesar
- Captain
- Captain Hook
- Charles
- Chase
- Charlie
- Charmin
- Cheech
- Chesty (in honour of Lt. Gen. Lewis “Chesty” B. Puller, USMC.)
- Cheyanne
- Chewy
- Cheeks
- Chester
- Chico
- Cheerio
- Chili
- Chino (Short for Cappucino)
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Chip
- Chomper
- Chong
- Chongo
- Chopper
- Chubby
- Chuck
- Chuckles
- Chumlee
- Churro
- Cirrus
- Cleo
- Cletis
- Cloe
- Cloud
- Coco Nose
- Cocoa
- Colour Ball
- Conan
- Cooper
- Corey
- Corn
- Cosmo
- Cotton
- Cuddles
- Cupcake
- Cuppa (Short for Cappucino)
- Curd
- Dakki
- Dan Dan
- Danny
- Dash
- Dave
- Demetrius
- Deo
- Dexter
- Dinky
- Dion
- Ditto
- DJ
- Doc
- Domino
- Doodle
- Doodles
- Dopey
- Dorito
- Dots
- Doughnut
- Dragon
- Drake
- Dread
- Dream
- Duke
- Duncan
- Duo
- Dusty

E, F, G, H
- Echo
- Eddie
- Eggroll
- Einstein
- Elephant
- Elmo
- Elvis
- Fang
- Fany
- Fawn
- Felix
- Fenton
- Fidget
- Flame
- Flash
- Flash Quicksilver
- Flicker
- Floyd
- Flubber
- Fluffernutter
- Fluffball
- Fluffenuget
- Fluffy
- Fly
- Foo Foo
- Foodstuff
- Fortner
- Franklin
- Fred
- Freddy
- Friday
- Frisky
- Frodo
- Fudge
- Fufu
- Furby
- Fuzzy
- Galileo
- Garfield
- George
- Gerald “Jerry” Sleep-N-Eat
- Giggles
- Games
- Gin
- Ginger
- Gino
- Gizmo
- Gizmonics Murdock
- Glass
- Gnasher
- Goldie
- Gomez
- Gonzales
- Googles
- Gray
- Grinch
- Grumpy
- Gus
- Gus-Gus
- Hado
- Hairy
- Ham Ham
- Hambert
- Hambone
- Hamburger
- Hamham
- Hamilton
- Hamish
- Hamlet
- Hammie
- Hammy
- Hampa
- Hampsta
- Hampton
- Hampy
- Hampy Dexter
- Hamsta
- Happy
- Hare
- Harley
- Harry
- Harvey
- Hendrix
- Henry
- Hercules
- Hippy
- Hobart
- Holt
- Homer
- Hooch
- Hoppy
- Houdini
- Huck
- Hugo

I ,J ,K, L
- Idaho
- Irish
- Ivan
- Izzy
- J.J. (short for Jungle Jim)
- Jace
- Jack
- Jacob
- Jasper
- Jaws
- Jay
- Jazz
- Jeffery
- Jet
- Jo Jo
- Juke Box
- Jules
- Julio
- Junior
- Kale
- Kane
- Killer
- Kody
- Kroshka
- Kujo
- Kumquat
- L.S.D. (for Lorenzo Saint Dubois)
- Larry
- Lava
- Lemmy
- Leo
- Levi
- Liquorice
- Lil’ Bit
- Lil’ Chestnut
- Lil’ Dude
- Linnea
- Lion
- Little Dude
- Little One
- Lloyd
- Lovebug
- Lucius
- Lucius
- Lucky
- Lugs
- Luke
- Lux
- Lycan

M, N, O, P
- Magma
- Mango
- Mao
- Marble
- Marshmallow
- Marvin (Marv)
- Max
- Maximilian
- Maxwell
- Maxy
- Mead
- Mesina
- Mia Hamster
- Midori
- Milky Way
- Milo
- Mindy
- Mishka
- Mississippi
- Mocha
- Mocha Cappuccino
- Moley
- Morgan
- Moss
- Motley
- Mouse
- Mr. Magoo
- Mr. Ted-Ted
- Mr. Whiskas
- Muffin
- Muffy
- Mugs
- Mushu
- Nacho
- Nala
- Nanook
- Napolean
- Neo
- Nibble
- Nibbles
- Nipsey (short for Sir Nips-a-Lot)
- Noodle
- Nugget
- Nutmeg
- Nutterbutter
- Odies
- Onyx
- Oompa Loompa
- Orange Soda
- Oreo
- Orlando
- Oscar
- Otto
- Pablo
- Pacey
- Palicki
- Pancake
- Party Nugget
- Pashmina
- Patch
- Paul Bunyan
- Paulie
- Paws
- Pax
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Pee-wee
- Pepper
- Pepperoni
- Peppy
- Pepsi
- Perdy
- Pernelle
- Pickle
- Pig Dog
- Ping-Pong
- Pip Squeak
- Piping
- Pippilatus (Pippi)
- Pixie
- P-nut
- Poopsie
- Popcorn
- Poppet
- Poptart
- Precious
- P-taro (or P-Taro)
- Pugnacious
- Pumpkin
- Punkin

Q, R, S, T, U
- Q-Tip
- Quincy
- Ravi
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Rex
- Rex
- Rhino
- Rib-Rab
- Ricky
- Ricky Bobby
- Riley
- Rip
- Ripley
- Ripley
- Rocko
- Rocky
- Roli Poli Olli
- Rolo
- Rufus
- Rugrat
- Running Buffalo Wings
- Rusty
- Ryan
- Sammy
- Sandusky
- Sandy
- Scabbers
- Scaramouch
- Scooby
- Scout
- Scrabbles
- Scratches
- Scratchy (short for Sir Scratch-A-Lot)
- Scrubbie
- Scrumpy
- Scurry
- Sebby
- Sexy Beast
- Shaggy
- Shanghai
- Sherbet Tensing
- Shredder
- Skip
- Skipper
- Skittles
- Skyler
- Slate
- Sleepy
- Small Fry
- Smiley
- Smirnoff
- Smoky/Smokey
- Smudge
- Sneezy
- Snezhana
- Snezhok
- Snickers
- Snookums
- Snoop
- Snoozy (short for Snoozy Kaploozy)
- Snowball
- Snowball and Oranges
- Snowy
- Snuggles
- Sonic
- Soyuz
- Spanky
- Sparky
- Sparky
- Spaz
- Speedy
- Speedy Ralph
- Sphinx
- Spiffy
- Spike
- Spot
- Spunky (nicknamed Spunkaroo)
- Squeak
- Squidward
- St. John
- Stardust
- Stevie the Wonder Hamster
- Stinky Pete
- Stitch
- Storm
- Stripe
- Stymie
- Sugar Cookie
- Sunny
- Sunshine
- Sweep
- Swiper
- Swirly
- Taco
- Tank
- Tanner
- Tater
- Taz
- Taz
- Taz
- T-Bone
- Teal
- Teddy
- Tedward
- Theo
- Thor
- Thorax the Semi-Great
- Tickles
- Tigger
- Tike
- Tiko
- Tiny
- Titan
- Titch
- Tojo
- Tommy
- Tookie
- Totti
- Treacle
- Trogdor
- Trooper
- Truffles
- Tweak
- Twinkle
- Twist
- Twister
- Twitch
- Tyson
V, W, X, Y, Z
- Van
- Vito
- Vladimir
- Vodka
- Waffles
- Walla-Walla
- Wall-E
- Walnut
- Ward
- Waxy Q-Tip
- Webb
- Weetabix
- Wheeler
- Whipple
- Whiskers
- Whiskey
- Whiz
- Wiggle
- Wiley
- Wolf
- Zander
- Zane
- Zebra
- Zed
- Zeke
- Ziggy
- Zippy
- Zizzi

Unisex Name Ideas For Your Hamster
The following are the names which are unisex in nature. These include:
- Abster
- Baby
- Bibbles
- Biscuit
- Boo Bear
- Bounty Hamster
- Brownie
- Bubbles
- Bunny
- Butter
- Butterball
- Butterscotch
- Button
- Cappuccino
- Caramel
- Cheeky
- Chewy
- Chocolate Chip
- Chubby
- Cinnabon
- Cocoa
- Desert
- Dessert
- Disco
- Doughnut
- Dumpling
- Echo
- Fluffy
- Fritter
- Fufu
- Fu-Fu
- Furball
- Furball
- Furry
- Fussball
- Fuzzball
- Fuzzball
- Fuzzy
- Gem
- Gigabyte
- Giggles
- Gin
- Gingersnap
- Guava
- Gummie
- Hamham
- Jelly Bean
- Kernel
- KitKat
- Kiwi
- Latte
- Licorice
- Lovebug
- Lucky
- Marble
- Melonball
- Mojo
- Muffin
- Munchkin
- Oreo
- Patches
- Paws
- Pebbles
- Peewee
- Perogy
- Pooky
- Popcorn
- Poptart
- Pouches
- Powder
- Scrabble
- Skippy
- Skittles
- Sleepy
- Small Fry
- Snookums
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Snuggles
- Sparky
- Stitch
- Sugar Cookie
- Sweety
- Taco
- Thimble
- Tippy
- Toffee
- Tofu
- Tot
- Turbo
- Uni
- Waffles
- Whiskers
- Wrinkles
- Ziggy
- Zippy

Name Ideas For Hamster Pairs
Many hamsters cannot survive alone, they need a partner. For your convenience, we have also categorized such names that you can give them to your hamster pair. These include:
- Abbott and Abby
- Abel and Abilene
- Ace and Acey
- Agamemnon and Aggy
- Alexander and Alexis
- Ali and Baba
- Amelia and Anastasia
- Andre and Andrea
- Andromeda and Milkyway
- Angel and Angelica
- Angus and Annie
- Anxiety and Stress
- Apollo and Artemis
- Apples and Oranges
- Aragona and Arathorn
- Arnold and Schwartzhamester
- Ashes and Ashley
- Asterix and Obelix
- Astra and Astro
- Atticus and Attila
- Aurora and Venus
- Autumn and Summer
- Babble and Gaggle
- Babe and Baby
- Bacon and Eggs
- Bear and Honey
- Bella and The Beast
- Ben and Bert
- Bert and Ernie
- Bingo and Ringo
- Boba and Fett
- Brett and Bert
- Bud and Weiser
- Busy and Whitey (albinos)
- Bull and Winkle
- Bunny and Smoky
- Caesar and Brutus
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Candy and Sweetheart
- Chance and Serendipity
- Charlotte and Web
- Cheeko and Charlie
- Cheeky and Cheese
- Chewy and Chibi (means ‘tiny’ in Japanese)
- Chip and Cinnamon
- Chip and Dale
- Chip and Speedo
- Cutie and FuFu
- Demon Hamster and Destroyer
- Devil Hamster and Diablo
- Dots and Doodles
- Dumpling and Soup
- Elmo and Emily
- Fannie and Zoey
- Fergus and Flame
- Fluff Hamster and Fluffernutter
- Freeloader and Sleepy
- Frodo and Chewbacca
- Fuzzball and Fuzzbutt
- Gengis and Khan
- Giggles and Griggles
- Hammy and Hamster
- Helen and Troy
- Hera and Hercules
- Holmes and Watson
- Hunka and Munka
- Ice and Cream
- Ichabod and Crane
- Itchie and Scratchie
- Itsy and Bitsy
- Jabba and Hut
- Jack and Jackie
- Jelly and Bean
- Jumpy and Jumper
- Little and Bit
- Little and Buddy
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Marie and Sophie
- Martini and Olive
- Mickey and Minnie
- Muffin and Top
- Nerf and Derf
- Nicky and Magie
- Nilly and Willy
- Oatis and Ollie
- Patter and Paws
- Peanut and Butter
- Pepe and Pepper
- Pepperoni and Mozzarella
- Pinky and The Brain
- Rachel and Ross
- Remus and Romulus
- Ren and Stimpy
- Ringo and Dingo
- Ruby and Rudy
- Sable and Satin
- Scruffy and Shady
- Silver and Gold
- Skippy and Hazel
- Sleepy and Slurpee
- Sniffles and Snuffles
- Snow and White
- Sugar and Spice
- Sweety and Squeaky
- Tabitha and Tammy
- Thelma and Louise
- Thistle and Thyme
- Thunder and Lightning
- Tiger and Izzy
- Tom and Jerry
- Troubles and Truffles
- Weenie and Whiney
- Whiskers and Wiggles
- William (Willy) and Lilly
- Zipper and GusGus

Funny Name Ideas For Your Hamster
Some funny boy hamster names that are my personal favourite are mentioned below:
- Ace
- Archie
- Arrow
- Ash
- Bandit
- Boss
- Buster
- Buzz
- Chip
- Diesel
- Drake
- Echo
- Felix
- Flash
- Hendrix
- Holt
- Jazz
- Jet
- Junior
- Kale
- Kane
- Max
- Pike
- Python
- Rocky
- Slate
- Slash
- Tommy
- Van
- Vinny
Name Ideas For Syrian Hamsters
Syrian hamsters are the biggest ones in the family. So, names for these tiny giants can be:
- Anthony
- Arlo
- Barley
- Bear
- Billy
- Block
- Brick
- Buckwheat
- Buddy
- Cheerio
- Chester
- Corn
- Eddie
- Goldie
- Felipe
- Flame
- Jack
- Lion
- Nacho
- Ricky
- Rufus
- Rusty
- Sammy
- Sandy
- Scout
- Stuart
- Sunny
- Teddy
- Theo
- William

Name Ideas For Hamsters Based On Their Colour
A variety of colours is seen in the hamsters. Taking this into consideration you can give them the following names:
- Blondie
- Bronze
- Cinnamon
- Cloud
- Cocoa
- Copper
- Custard
- Dorito
- Dusty
- Fudge
- Goldie
- Honey
- Lemon
- Liquorice
- Midnight
- Mist
- Onyx
- Paprika
- Pearl
- Platinum
- Rusty
- Silver
- Smokey
- Snowflake
- Stripe
- Sugar
- Tango
- Toffee
- Wheat
- Whisky
Last Year’s Most Preferred Names
The following names were preferred by most of the pet owners last year. These are:
- Mickey
- inn
- Nibbler
- Fry
- Carrots
- Pippin
- Tyler
- Madden
- Klaus
- Diego
- Lenny
- Squeaker
- Luke
- Scotty
- Damien
- Hammy
- Knuckles
- Walter
- AJ
- Spike
- Elijah
- Freddy
- Lemmy
- Oscar
- Matthew
- Noah
- Saint
- Kylo
- Luca
- Easton

Unique Names For Your Hamster
The following list contains Unique name ideas for your little hamsters. These are:
- Archer
- Axel
- BlueBond
- Brax
- Canterbury
- Chalk
- Cooper
- Duke
- Gary
- Glass
- Hankey
- Huck
- Jace
- King
- Lava
- Lord
- Magma
- Mead
- Moss
- Neo
- Onyx
- Rip
- Tanner
- Teal
- Ward
- Webb
- Wolf
- Yale
- Zane
Several other names are not mentioned in this list. But this list provides a good quality of unique, cute, and funny boy hamster names. But if you are still confused with the hamster’s names, then you should let your hamster decide his name.
Do one thing, write your favourite names on paper and let the master decide. And if you are not satisfied then you already know what the right choice is.